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Best Marriage Quotes - hamariweb

hamariweb online

“Marriage: Love is the reason. Lifelong friendship is the gift. Kindness is the cause. Til’ death do us part is the length.”


“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”


“Being in a long marriage is a little bit like that nice cup of coffee every morning – I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it.”


“Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice.”


“The older I get, the less time I want to spend with the part of the human race that didn’t marry me.”


“The best time to love with your whole heart is always now, in this moment, because no breath beyond the current is promised.”


“To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.”


“The difference between an ordinary marriage and an extraordinary marriage is in giving just a little ‘extra’ every day, as often as possible, for as long as we both shall live.”


“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”


“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

“A long-lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in -and live by- the solemn promise they made.”

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