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jokes for kids

15 great jokes for kids

jokes for kids

15 great jokes for kids

Now that your big kid's sense of humor has progressed, she appreciates riddles and more complex humor. Here are 15 great kid-friendly jokes to make your child laugh.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting squawking parrot.
Interrupting squawking parr-

Q: What do you call cheese that’s not yours?
A: Nacho cheese!

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because: 7 8 9

kids funny jokes

What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet

kids funny jokes

Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
He wanted to go to high school.

kids funny jokes

Where do pencils go for vacation?

kids funny jokes

Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
To go with the traffic jam!

kids funny jokes

Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
Because they might peel!

kids funny jokes

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's freezing out here.

kids funny jokes

A prisoner, after many years, is finally released.
He runs around yelling, "I'm free! I'm free!"
A little kid walks up to him and says, "So what, I'm 4."

kids funny jokes

How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it.

kids funny jokes

Which flower talks the most?
Tulips, of course, 'cause they have two lips!

kids funny jokes

A man arrived on Friday in a small town. He stayed for two days and left on Friday.How is this possible?
His horse's name is Friday!

kids funny jokes

What did 0 say to 8?
Nice belt!

kids funny jokes

What did the mushroom say to the fungus?
You're a fun guy [fungi].

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